Monday, October 13, 2008

I am not an economist

I am not an economist.
But I am someone who's been observing how myself and others spend money. How we use credit and the wants of not we as individuals but we as a society.

Last year I found myself in credit card debt- completely by accident (whoops)- and was quite offended by it; I've fancied myself quite a savvy spender, one adept at making budgets (though not as adept at keeping to them) and cognizant of occasional splurges on a credit card.

When debt set in upon me (i.e. when I realized I had no way to keep up with my credit card payments) I took to journaling my debt-induced woes and anxious ramblings. For a year I've chronicled how it was I can to end up in debt when I was taking pains to be frugal. It was in this journey that I became highly attuned to the increasing media coverage of Americans and America in debt.

Well, now it's almost impossible to shut out the deafening scream of our collective financial problems but I'm all ears nonetheless.

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