Saturday, January 24, 2009

Does it make you feel rich to send money?

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Fill in the Blanks

It occurs to me that the practice of Saving Money is like the practice of Tantric Sex.
To test this theory, I've taken an informative article on trantra and retro-fit it with more pecuniary terms. A fiscal Mad Libs, if you will....

From Discovery Health
"Tantric Sex Techniques to Reinvigorate Lovemaking"
By Amy Painter
As interpreted for the Economisery audience by Miss Mary Joan

Have you ever experienced a moment of sexual (financial) ecstasy? How did it make you feel?
Exhilarated? Luminous?
Intense sexual (financial) experiences are (can and should be) one of our greatest sources of pleasure.

At the same time, sex is (personal finances are) often regarded with an equal measure of fear and fascination. We may crave sexual intimacy (fiscal competency) to the core of our being, yet also take great pains to avoid it. We may long to rekindle lost passion (for our savings accounts), but have forgotten how to light the fire.

The practice of Tantra (Saving) shows us how to reclaim the sexual intimacy (financial security) that is (sadly not) our birthright. And through this most ancient of arts, we may discover new joys of the erotic (fiscal) and expand mere moments of sexual ecstasy (penny pinching) into a lifetime of sexual (monetary) bliss.
In this model, the sexual (saving) experience is seen as a dance with no beginning or end. Tantra (Saving) teaches lovers (everyone, from 80-yr-olds to elementary school children) how to extend the peak of their sexual ecstasy (paycheck, allowance or social security) so that women and men can experience multiple orgasms (double-digit interest gains) in a single sexual encounter (with even just one well-purchased stock).

Beginning Tantric Sex (Savings) Techniques
The following exercises will help you reconnect with your body (spending habits) and with your partner (financial profile) in a profound way. As you move through these steps, do not focus on intercourse (spending) as the ultimate goal. Instead, simply enjoy giving and receiving pleasure using gentle touch and loving words. (Instead, simply enjoy building a nest egg using automatic withdrawals from your paycheck and accruing interest).

Try to spend several weeks practicing the Tantric Intimacy (Automatic Saving) Exercises without necessarily engaging in intercourse (spending). For many, experiencing these exercises with no pressure to "go all the way" helps release sexual guilt (financial burden), builds trust (within you) and reawakens sexual desire (financial prowess). Enjoy!

Tantric Sex (Saving) — Welcoming Love (Peace of Mind)
Set aside an hour or more of uninterrupted time to be together (with your bank statements). Although it may be difficult to find the time or to manage children, you won't be able to benefit from Tantra (Saving) if this is not a priority.

Create an inviting atmosphere. Whether you meet in your bedroom, living room or another space in your house, creating a sacred space for each other (for financial records) will help relax you and bring you into the moment. Candles (a calculator), fresh flowers (a computer), erotic art (Quicken software), finger foods (yes, why not finger foods?) and tantalizing aromas can transform any room into a temple of sexual (pecuniary) delight.

Tantric (Fiscal) Intimacy Exercises
Use ritual to develop intimacy (stability). Begin your journey with a ritual. This may be something as simple as sharing a glass of wine in the nude (as simple as checking your bank balance everyday). Some couples enjoy bathing together in order to attune to each other (that may not be a financial recommendation, but getting all sudsy might brighten one’s outlook on the economy, debt and life in general. Pass the loofah, please!)

As you experiment with Tantric (Saving) techniques, don't worry whether you are doing something the "right" way. Tantra (Saving) does not judge right or wrong, good or bad. Ultimately, your pleasure is what matters most. (Ultimately, spending less than you earn is what matters most).

Keep it slow.
Bring your attention to your breath. Resist the urge to breathe (spend) quickly. Quick breathing (spending) creates arousal, speeding you toward orgasm (debt). Instead, take long, slow breaths (withdrawals) from the belly (checking account), exhaling (spending) gradually. (And only when necessary).

Vary your positions (investment types) to explore your (portfolio's) duality. Different sex positions (stock options) add to sexual (investment) pleasure and balance male and female energies.


…From there the author goes on to describe in detail the breaths and the muscles and the slowing and the undulations. All good stuff, but I’ll leave you to research her directions if I’ve piqued your interest in Tantra.

More so I hope that I’ve pique your interest in Saving and the realization that the joy of the quick spend is a momentary rush- robbing your bank account of a healthy base for interest to grow and robbing you of an emergency stash of cash.

(Here’s where I start to sound like a Southern minister)
Delay the mild gratification of a torrid incident with a credit card and opt instead for the will to say no, to put yourself on a budget and to know that you can be in control of your finances. (Yes, you can!)

Contrary to American culture, remember that not everything must be purchased, consumed or acquired at the moment we want it.

I don’t suggest stalling purchases forever, but, like Tantra, learn to slow down, gain focus and harness calm to make even the smallest, yet decisive, fiscal actions yield pleasure- or better- return on investment.
